Building A Love That Lasts: The Seven Surprising Secrets of Successful Marriage is the Best Relationship Book of 2008

from you favorite


“You’ve had a perfect wedding
and now you have a glimpse
of what can come next if
only you will commit to
building a love that lasts
with these seven surprising
secrets of successful marriage.”

"No marriage was ever saved
or made successful
because the couple had
a great sex life!"

"Falling in love is
so very human.
When you feel it in your
heart and in your soul,
take the chance, take the risk.
Sure, your heart can be broken,
but can you imagine going
through life without loving
another human being in
the deepest and
most intimate way?"

"Don’t be fooled
and don’t be foolish.
Relationships that are
the victim of betrayal,
infidelity, and disloyalty
almost always
end in failure."

“Touching becomes
kind of a Morse Code--
a substitute for language
and the expression of feeling.
Successfully married couples
have mastered the
Morse Code of marriage--
it’s called touching.”

"Frankly, marriage should
never be boring!
The successful marriages
we have studied
are characterized by variety, adventyure, laughter,
excitement, surprises and
doing the unexpected."

"The fact is most successful marriages experience
difficult challenges, yet they
survive and thrive.
Our research tells us why."

“Happily married couples
cannot imagine life without
each other. It is so inconceivable
to successfully married couples
that when you ask them
if they could,
their eyes fill with tears while they contemplate the question.”

Building A Love That Lasts: The Seven Surpristing Secrets of Successful Marriage by Dr. Charles D. Schmitz and Dr. Elizabeth A. Schmitz, Best Relationship Book and Best Marriage BookDr. Charles D. Schmitz and Dr. Elizabeth A. Schmitz the best marriage experts and the best love experts and award winning authors

By America’s #1 Love and Marriage Experts
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Building A Love That Lasts:
The Seven Surprising Secrets of Successful Marriage
Dr. Charles D. Schmitz and Dr. Elizabeth A. Schmitz
America's #1 Love and Marriage Experts

(Jossey-Bass - A John Wiley & Sons Imprint)

Best Marriage Experts and Best Love Experts and Best Relationship Experts Dr. Charles D. Schmitz and Dr. Elizabeth A. Schmitz

Drs. Charles and Elizabeth Schmitz's award-winning book reveals how to sustain a long-term loving marriage. In addition to exploring the seven key ingredients that define a successful marriage—togetherness, truthfulness, respect and kindness, staying fit, joint finances, tactile communication, and surprise and unpredictability—the authors have included hundreds of insightful and practical interviews with happy couples.

* Focuses on what's right about a successful relationship, rather than what's wrong
* Written by a very popular and highly respected couple known as "America's Favorite Love and Marriage Experts," who lead lectures, training, workshops, and other events every week all over the country
* Contains candid interviews with a diverse collection of happily married couples from around the world

This book offers a positive, upbeat approach to living happily ever after.

    • Drs. Charles and Elizabeth Schmitz are renowned marriage experts, having conducted 30 years of research with thousands of successfully married couples on all seven continents of the world. They are highly respected in their field, collectively winning more than 65 national, state and local awards. They have won the Mom’s Choice Awards GOLD Medal for Most Outstanding Relationships and Marriage Book twice, won the INDIE Book Awards Gold Medal for Best Relationship Book, and the Nautilus Book Awards Medal for Relationship Book.

    • As love and marriage experts for the Doctors write a blog entitled, Marriage Advice. It focuses on love, marriage and relationship advice.

    • The authors are the “Official Guides to Marriage” for, the top-rated self-improvement website on the Internet with an active and established readership of nearly 1,000,000 visitors per month. The authors also contribute articles regularly for the site, which are widely read and have such great appeal that the articles are cited or reproduced on numerous websites and appear on many other relationship blogs.

    • The Doctors have written over 650 articles, book chapters and books, and serve as love and marriage experts to and are the National Marriage Advice Examiners for

    To learn more about the authors, please visit their website at:

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